White-throated Sparrow in Honey Locust Tree |
Friday, December 9, 2011
It's been a while!
As a Mechanical Design Engineer, when I'm working, I have very little free time for walks in the greenbelt (during daylight hours). But when I'm in between assignments, as I am now, I try to walk at least 2 or 3 times a week. So until I get my next contract, my goal is to post updates once a week. I took a quick 15 minute walk yesterday on the North East end (Crooked Creek & Woodberry), & was pleased with the abundance of birds. There were allot of Sparrows (Song, Lincoln's, & White-throated) & Finches (House, & Gold) along the creek across from the first wildflower bed. Plenty of Hawks as well: 3 Red-tailed, 1 Red-shouldered, & 1 Cooper's. There are plenty of ducks in the pond on the McCoy end, including the largest group of Ring-necks I've ever seen in the greenbelt. A Mute Swan has also been feeding in the pond for a couple of weeks. The Nob Hill Bird List is up to 127 species.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
White-faced Ibis
Heavy rain the last couple of days has brought an abundance of wading birds to the greenbelt. Yesterday, my sons & I spotted a White-faced Ibis at the largest pond (North-East) on Crooked Creek road. To my knowlegde, this is the first Ibis ever recorded in Nob Hill. I didn't have my camera, so thanks to Dave Rathbun for running down to the pond for the photo. There were also plenty of Great, Snowy, & Cattle Egrets, as well as Green, Little Blue, & Great Blue Herons.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Very "Birdy"
Sorry, it's been a LONG time since I posted. Still working alot & very busy with Scouts when I'm not at work. I've noticed alot of migrating birds in the Greenbelt the last couple of weeks. I haven't spent any real time looking... but many of them are pretty hard to miss. There are plenty of ducks around: mostly Mallards & Wigeons, but Gadwalls, & both Blue & Greenwinged Teal are plentiful as well. Songbirds are dominated by Dark-eyed Junco's, and Ruby & Golden Crowned Kinglets seem to be in almost every tree. Hawks have been very active also. I've updated the Nob Hill Bird List... we are up to 123 species. That's probably it for me this year.
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sorry for the lack of activity lately, but I do have a fairly good reason:
I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!
No more hikes & nature photography 5-6 days a week. Once I get settled in to my new schedule, I'll at least be getting out to shoot some pics on the weekends. See you soon!
I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!
No more hikes & nature photography 5-6 days a week. Once I get settled in to my new schedule, I'll at least be getting out to shoot some pics on the weekends. See you soon!
Monday, April 26, 2010
New Trails & Indigo Buntings
Took a short hike in the Greenbelt this morning, including the newly cleared trails West of McCoy (North of the creek). Saw lots of butterflies, & wild flowers. Bird species count for the morning was 35, most of the usual suspects for this time of year. The big find was this beautiful Indigo Bunting. Sorry for the poor photo quality, but the bird was hiding way back in the shadows. I had to do alot of editing to make the bird recognizable at all.
**EDIT** Went back to the same area today & found another Indigo (& heard several more), but todays photos were even worse. I'll get him next time!
**EDIT** Went back to the same area today & found another Indigo (& heard several more), but todays photos were even worse. I'll get him next time!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Bobcats in the Greenbelt
My son & I saw an adult Bobcat at 3:30 yesterday afternoon just North of the creek on McCoy Road. The cat appeared to be patiently waiting for a break in traffic so it could cross. It was a beautiful animal & looked to be in good health, but it was strange to see a Bobcat out in the open during the day like that. Sure wish I had the camera.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Downey and Ladderback Woodpeckers!!!!!

Downey and Ladderback woodpeckers are fighting for a tree to nest in. Find them right on Crooked Creek on the south end of the big pond. Who will win?
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